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I AM BLESSED - Ephesians 1:3

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
Ephesians 1: 3


We get used to blessing our friends around but do you remember when was the last time you encourage yourself? Don't forget how God bless us, let's embrace this gift and look forward to welcoming 2022.

I am thankful that I am called to be an art messenger to connect people in Japan and through online platforms to share word and love of God in Japan.

I met a creative young pastor this summer and I am grateful to join their Creative Carnival 2021. And through the prayers of preparation of Creative Carnival, God reminded us again that we have a royal identity as His sons and daughters which we may forget sometimes.


Proclaiming “I AM” from our hearts with God’s affirmation is different from boasting. I hope everyone would receive the gifts of “I AM” that God has already prepared and given to us. Amen! #iamloved #iamblessed #iamtreasured #iamstrong #iamfearless


Thank you God for your inspiration and motivation of creating a 2022 watercolor lettering calendar with Share Artually named 'I AM' which as a gift of 2022 calendar, also as a love reminder of a new year. Let’s encourage each other including ourselves. May you have a loving new year!

I AM BLESSED - エフェソの信徒への手紙 1: 3


エフェソの信徒への手紙 1: 3


そして、クリエイティブ・カーニバルの準備の祈りの中で、神様は、日本の人々が神の息子、娘であるという、時々忘れてしまいやすい、高貴なアイデンティティを持っている事を改めて私たちに思い起こさせてくださいました。#iamloved #iamblessed #iamtreasured #iamstrong #iamfearless

神さまが認めてくださっている「私」"I Am"を宣言することは、自慢することとは違います。神様が用意し与えてくださった "I AM "の贈り物を、皆さんが受け取ってくださることを願っています。

I AM BLESSED - 以弗所書 1:3

以弗所書 1:3

你有多久沒有為自己打氣? 我們很多時候也祝福別人,但卻忘記了祝福和肯定自己。2021年不容易過,但希望透過迎接2022年的心情和大家分享這份禮物。

非常感恩被呼召成為在日本的藝術宣教士,無論身在日本還是透過網上平台,盼望透過藝術與你們分享上帝的愛同埋話語。很奇妙地今年八月在網上認識了一位年輕的創意媒體牧師,有幸參與他們舉辦的藝術嘉年華2021。透過禱告,上帝再次提醒,無論我們身在何地,也不要忘記,作為祂的兒女,擁有一個很寶貴的身份。#iamloved #iamblessed #iamtreasured #iamstrong #iamfearless

接納和明白神的愛,從心底宣告"I AM"擁有着來自神的一種肯定,與我們自大誇口的並不一樣。希望每一位能夠收到這一份 天父已經為我們準備好的禮物。阿門。

感謝天父給 Share Artually 靈感和創作的動力,完成了這作品,為2022年年曆的主題,作新一年的提醒 - "I AM" 願我們一起學習並行出來。願你擁有充滿祝福的一年。

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