In this series of Hebrew artworks, I explore the depth and beauty of the Hebrew language, especially in relation to the Holy Bible. Hebrew is the original language of the Old Testament, carrying rich historical, cultural, and spiritual significance. Hebrew, with its layers of meaning, reveals the glory of God in ways that are sometimes lost in translation. Each word in the Bible is not just a noun; it often holds an active meaning. For example, the Hebrew word for "hope"(יָחַל , Yachal)implies waiting for God's will with trust and expectation. Hope, is the decision to wait, to trust, and to anticipate God's promises to be fulfilled in His time.
Through using the paper of the Bible as the foundation and applying gold foil to Hebrew words, I aim to emphasize the sacredness and depth that these words carry. Each word or phrase serves as a reminder that the original language of Scripture can open our hearts to a deeper understanding of God's message. Through my work, I hope to inspire others to explore the rich meaning behind these words, and to experience for themselves the active faith and wisdom found in the Hebrew Bible.
Thank You Lord, for guiding me and granting me the opportunity to study Hebrew these past few months. Each time I learn a new word, I am filled with contentment in Your presence. I pray that you may experience this as well. God bless you.
在這希伯來語系列的作品中,我探索了希伯來語的深度與美麗,特別是在聖經中的表達。希伯來語是舊約聖經的原始語言,承載著豐富的歷史、文化與靈性意涵。聖經的每一個詞彙都包含著多層次的意義,而這些深度經常在翻譯過程中遺失或改變。在希伯來語的聖經中,詞語不僅是名詞,它們蘊含著行動的力量。例如,希伯來語中的「希望」(יָחַל , Yachal)是是一種積極的選擇。它意味著以信任和期盼等待神的旨意成就。「希望」是我們積極選擇去做的事情——那就是選擇等待、信任並期盼神的應許在祂的時間裡實現。
שָׁלוֹם (Shalom / シャローム / 平安)
Each letter in Shalom represents an important part of the peace it describes:
ש (Shin): Transformation and the power of God.
ל (Lamed): Learning and wisdom.
ו (Vav): Unity and connection.
מ (Mem): Transformation of chaos into calm.
Shalom: True peace comes when we connect with God's authority, turning chaos into harmony. Through His presence, confusion is replaced with clarity, and wholeness is restored.
平安 Shalom 中的每一個字母都代表著平安的不同方面:
ש(Shin): 變革和神的力量
ל(Lamed): 學習和智慧
ו(Vav): 統一和聯結
מ(Mem): 從混亂到平靜的轉變
Shalom: 真正的平安來自於與神的權威連接,將混亂轉為和諧。通過神的臨在,混亂被替代為清晰,全然被恢復。
אהיה אשר אהיה ("I AM WHO I AM")
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “You shall say this to the Israelites, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” Then God also said to Moses, “This is what you shall say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Israel), has sent me to you.’ This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial [name] to all generations. EXODUS 3:14-15
上帝對摩西說:「我是自有永有的」;又說:「你要對以色列人這樣說:『那自有永有的差派我到你們這裏來。』」 上帝又對摩西說:「你要對以色列人這樣說:『耶和華-你們祖宗的上帝,就是亞伯拉罕的上帝,以撒的上帝,雅各的上帝差派我到你們這裏來。』這是我的名,直到永遠;這也是我的稱號,直到萬代。出埃及記 3:14-15
出エジプト記 3:14-15
Man/ Woman
男人– אִישׁ (Ish) / 女人 – אִשָּׁה (Ishah)
The Word "Ish" Without Yod (י) and Hey (ה)
If we remove Yod (י) and Hey (ה) from the word אִשָּׁה (Ishah — woman) or אִישׁ (Ish — man), we are left with the root word אִשׁ (Ish), which is pronounced the same as fire in Hebrew.
אִשׁ (Ish) — This word means fire in Hebrew. It is a completely different word from Ish (man) or Ishah (woman), but it shares the same root letters: א (Aleph), שׁ (Shin), and י (Yod).
In this case, if we have אִשׁ (Ish) in the context of marriage or relationships, we would understand it to mean fire — potentially symbolizing passion, intensity, or destruction, rather than the specific roles of man or woman.
In the context of marriage, fire could symbolize passion, intensity, or even destruction. However, without the spiritual dimensions represented by Yod and Hey, the relationship lacks the deeper, divine, creative, and nurturing aspects that are traditionally associated with the roles of man and woman in a sacred union. Fire on its own can be either constructive or destructive, depending on how it is managed, reflecting the potential for both growth and conflict within a relationship.
如果去除 Yod(י)和 Hey(ה)這兩個字母,只剩下 אִשָּׁ(Ishah — 女),那麼這個字就變成了 אִשׁ(Ish),它的意思是 火。
אִשׁ(Ish)這個詞本來是指 火,是希伯來語中對火的表示。它來自根字 א-ש(Aleph-Shin),意思是“燃燒”或“摧毀”,這與火的特徵非常契合,象徵著力量、能量和變化。
如果沒有這兩個字母,剩下的 אִשׁ 就單純表示 火,它是一種強大而充滿能量的力量,但缺乏創造和生命賦予的神聖指引。在婚姻中,這樣的火可能代表激情和衝突,但缺乏創造性和生命的滋養,這意味著婚姻可能缺乏平衡和精神上的深度。