2017年の香港で最後の展覧会の後、私はそれぞれの自分の絵について紹介することにしました。 作品を制作する過程では、私は意識的に多くの意図をその絵に含めているわけではありませんでしたが、どういうわけかその絵は秩序と潜在的な意味を持っています。

Exhibition in 2017
After the last exhibition in Hong Kong in 2017, I decided to introduce each of my paintings. Perhaps in the process of creating artworks, I did not put lots of intention deliberately, but somehow it has a sense of ordering and meaning subconsciously.
Thank you so much for whoever have visited my exhibition in 2017 so that I have a chance to think about my paintings. For the exhibitions I hosted before in Melbourne, Australia, I deliberately kept my artworks silent in order to let the audiences think and mix with their own feelings, and I hope they would have a new interpretation towards my artworks.
After the several years of change, my work has passed the "self" stage. Recent works has the concise statements with bright colors, and all my thoughts are from God! I hope the introduction of paintings could help you to understand me as the artist, know the work itself and understand more that God created us for a purpose. Thank you.